Epilepsy Awareness Month
March is Epilepsy Awareness Month in Canada. It’s a great time for anyone with an interest in epilepsy to raise awareness, challenge myths, and help dismantle the stigma of epilepsy. You can set up an epilepsy information table at school or work to raise epilepsy awareness, tell others how epilepsy has affected your life, wear purple, or throw a third-party fundraiser to support epilepsy services in our community.
Help Raise Awareness in Our Community
The more people celebrating epilepsy awareness month with DIY awareness-raising activities, the greater impact we can all have together. If you’re doing something to raise awareness at school, at work, at a local business, or in the community, email info@epilepsyottawa.ca and let us know. We would love to see your photos and share them.
Looking for ideas? Try one of these:
Participate in the #Iam1in100 campaign to help expand the representation of what it means to live with epilepsy.
Book a Seizure Smart presentation for your school or workplace.
Decorate a door, window, or bulletin board at your workplace or school to celebrate and raise epilepsy awareness.
Stop by the Ottawa sign on March 26 at 7pm to see it lit purple for Purple Day and share your photos of the Nation’s Capital celebrating epilepsy awareness using #EpilepsyAwareness #PurpleDay2025.
Support your local epilepsy agency with a third-party fundraiser:
Collect pledges to dye your hair purple.
Hold a purple dress down day at your school or workplace.
Launch an online fundraiser.
Launch a Facebook Fundraiser.
Purple Day for Epilepsy
Purple Day is an International Epilepsy Awareness initiative created by Nova Scotia’s Cassidy Megan when she was 9 years old.
In June 2012, the Canadian government passed The Purple Day Act, declaring March 26 the official day for Epilepsy Awareness across Canada
Every year on March 26th, we invite you to hold a Purple Day for Epilepsy Awareness event at your school or workplace.