For Families
Client Services
We provide information, resources, and community referrals to people with epilepsy and their families.
Clinic to Community (Clinique à Communauté)
Epilepsy Ottawa offers Clinic to Community to teens with epilepsy and families of those with epilepsy. Whether you’re dealing with a new epilepsy diagnosis, or you feel that your family could use more information about living well with epilepsy, reducing the risks associated with seizures, identifying when a seizure is a medical emergency, or school support, we’d be happy to meet with you.
Epilepsy Connect Ottawa
Epilepsy Connect Ottawa is a one-on-one peer mentor program for parents whose children (young or grown) have epilepsy.
A mindfulness-based cognitive behavioral therapy program for people with depression or anxiety who are parents or guardians of those with epilepsy.
Parent Support Group
Parents and caregivers of young or grown children with epilepsy meet once a month to provide support to one another and discuss the various topics and/or challenges of life from a caregiver’s perspective.
Helping Hands
A social group for children and teens with epilepsy. This group meetings 2-3 times a year. See our events calendar for upcoming meetings or email Sandi to get notifications when new meetings are scheduled.
Sibling Support Group
Support group for siblings of children and teens with epilepsy. This group meetings 2-3 times a year. See our events calendar for upcoming meetings or email Sandi to get notifications when new meetings are scheduled.
Community Events
We have a variety of family community events a few times a year, including craft workshops, baking, games nights, and pizza parties. See our events calendar for upcoming meetings or email Sandi to get notifications when new community events are scheduled.
School Support Services
Epilepsy Ottawa provides a variety of services to support children and teens with epilepsy at school, including assistance with accommodation, safety plans, Seizure Smart presentations, and other resources.
Seizure Smart (Les Présentations)
We offer a variety of Seizure Smart presentations for schools, workplaces, and other community groups (including Girl Guides, Scouts, recreational groups) that want to learn more about epilepsy and how to help someone having a seizure. Each presentation includes general epilepsy and seizure first aid information and can be adapted to address a particular situation or person with epilepsy (with that person’s approval).
Seizure First Aid Videos
Find out how to identify three common types of seizures and how to respond when you see someone having one of these seizures.
Spark Sheets (Documents d'Étincelle)
Check out our epilepsy information series: Spark. Each Spark sheet provides information, tips, and strategies on a different topic.