For Healthcare Providers
PLEASE NOTE: We do not provide medical services, including testing, at Epilepsy Ottawa. To refer patients for testing or medical services for epilepsy, please refer them to the Epilepsy Program at The Ottawa Hospital or CHEO. Contact information is available at the Ottawa Epilepsy Program.
Epilepsy Ottawa provides a range of services to support the psycho-social well-being of your patients with epilepsy, including mental health services, reducing social isolation, school and employment support, navigating financial assistance options, resources and referrals.
for psycho-social support
Direct referrals are the most effective way for us to connect with your patients. You can:
Fax or email a referral form
Email us the name of your patient and 2 possible contact points (email, phone, address), and the reason for your referral (e.g. new diagnosis, needs mental health support, etc)
If you would like more information about how we can support your patients, contact Jamie or call our office at 613-594-9255.
Programs & Services
Client Services
We provide information, resources, and community referrals to people with epilepsy and their families.
Clinic to Community (Clinique à Communauté)
Created to help smooth the transition from the epilepsy clinic to the community for those newly diagnosed with epilepsy, this education program can also help individuals and families struggling with epilepsy many years after diagnosis and those who are looking to improve their quality of life with epilepsy. Clinic to Community helps you better understand epilepsy, seizure management, safety tips, and how to live well with epilepsy. Family members and loved ones are welcome to attend Clinic to Community meetings
Epilepsy Connect Ottawa
A one-on-one peer mentor program for adults with epilepsy or parents those with epilepsy.
A mindfulness-based cognitive behavioural therapy program for people with depression or anxiety who are adults with epilepsy or parents or guardians of those with epilepsy.
Seizure Smart Presentations (Les Présentations)
Seizure Smart is a free program for schools, workplaces, and other groups that want to learn more about epilepsy and how to help someone having a seizure.
Employment Support Services
Epilepsy Ottawa provides a variety of services to support people with epilepsy in the workplace, including assistance with accommodation, safety plans, and other resources.
School Support Services
Epilepsy Ottawa provides a variety of services to support children and teens with epilepsy at school, including assistance with accommodation, safety plans, Seizure Smart presentations, and other resources.
Social Group
Adults with epilepsy and their loved ones can join in on our social group for a great opportunity to meet other people living with epilepsy in a relaxed, informal setting. See our events calendar for upcoming meetings.
Support Groups
Monthly: Daytime meeting for adults with epilepsy.
Occasional: Support groups for members of our community facing specific challenges. These groups may meet once or occasionally. Previous meetings include PNES Support Group, Pregnancy Support Group, and Spouse/Partner Support Group.
See our events calendar for upcoming meetings.