For Teens with Epilepsy
Client Services
We provide information, resources, and community referrals to people with epilepsy and their families.
Clinic to Community (Clinique à Communauté)
A Clinic to Community Educator will provide you with the tools you need to make informed decisions as you begin to play a more active role in your own healthcare. You can meet with an Educator one-on-one or with your parents, family members, or friends – whichever would make you feel the most comfortable to freely ask questions and discuss your epilepsy.
This program covers topics including seizure management, seizure safety, driving, alcohol, school, and employment. Meetings include plenty of time for you to ask your questions and have a full discussion on the areas you are most concerned about.
Community Events
We have a variety of family-friendly community events a few times a year, including craft workshops, baking, and games nights. See our events calendar for upcoming meetings or email Sandi to get notifications when new community events are scheduled.
Employment Support Services
Epilepsy Ottawa provides a variety of services to support people with epilepsy in the workplace, including assistance with accommodation, safety plans, and other resources.
School Support Services
Epilepsy Ottawa provides a variety of services to support people with epilepsy at school, including assistance with accommodation, safety plans, and other resources.
Seizure Smart (Les Présentations)
Seizure Smart is a free program for schools, workplaces, and other groups that want to learn more about epilepsy and how to help someone having a seizure.
Seizure First Aid Videos
Find out how to identify three common types of seizures and how to respond when you see someone having one of these seizures.
Spark Sheets (Documents d'Étincelle)
Check out our epilepsy information series: Spark. Each Spark sheet provides information, tips, and strategies on a different topic.